Our Values
These core principles of Engage Calvary serve to guide and direct our church and its culture.
because we value the truth & authority of God’s Word
Need adopting
because we value those for whom Jesus died
because we value the holiness of God the Father
because we value the guidance of God the Spirit
Grace giving
because we value the grace given thru the sacrifice of God the Son
because we value the furtherance of God’s kingdom
because we value the truth & authority of God’s Word
Need adopting
because we value those for whom Jesus died
because we value the holiness of God the Father
because we value the guidance of God the Spirit
Grace giving
because we value the grace given thru the sacrifice of God the Son
because we value the furtherance of God’s kingdom

Our Mission
Our mission at Engage Calvary is the same mission Jesus gave his followers: Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
We do that in several ways and through various ministry, discipleship and outreach opportunities. The way we do this is by engaging with God and engaging with others.
We do that in several ways and through various ministry, discipleship and outreach opportunities. The way we do this is by engaging with God and engaging with others.
In order to make disciples, we will be equipping the Body through the expositional teaching of God’s Word, adopting local & global needs, growing into mature disciples, & abiding in the presence of God thru prayer & worship. Our desire is to be a body that is grace giving & welcoming of all who come with an emphasis on expanding our reach.

Our Vision
Our vision of Engage Calvary is create a community of authentic believers and to witness a city transformed by the life changing reality of the gospel, as people come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
We desire that everyone find freedom in Christ by living in the fullness of the Spirit.
This is God’s heart! He desires that we walk in newness of life, free from the bondage of sin; not in the flesh, but in the Spirit.
This is God’s heart! He desires that we walk in newness of life, free from the bondage of sin; not in the flesh, but in the Spirit.

Vision Storyline
This is a narrative description of Engage Calvary's future for the purpose of providing a context for more specific planning. It is a future picture and declaration of our congregation’s ultimate contribution.
We envision a future where every person who calls Engage Calvary their church home will be living in difference-making relationships, in gear, and moving towards our calling in Christ. Fueled by the Spirit and with the Bible as our map, we will set a course towards finding freedom in Christ by living in the fullness of the Spirit. Through each gear of spiritual formation, we will provide the tools that equip each individual to know the way of truth and also to heed the warning signs along the road as they navigate through their daily lives. We will look outside of ourselves to see the needs of others who are on the road with us or have taken a wrong turn.
We live in a culture where many have taken the right road but have become idle. Some have stalled out and are in need of assistance. Others have taken the wrong road altogether and in need of being re-routed. We seek to steer those who are on the wide road towards the narrow path of life. We will move from coasting to engaging gears and accelerating towards practical ways of living out our faith. We will be lights in the darkness to make the way visible.
Strengthened through spiritual formation and discipleship, we intend to be difference makers both locally and globally. We are going to become a place where it becomes inescapable that to be a part of Engage Calvary is to respond relationally and tangibly to the needs in our community and world.
We envision a community of Christ-centered families and individuals carrying a gospel banner that will introduce even more men, women, college students and children in the Bryan/College Station area to the good news of Jesus. God has promised life in His Son Jesus Christ; therefore, we know that the time is now for us to get in gear.