Take the next step in your spiritual journey. Whether you've been coming to Engage Calvary for a long time or if this is brand new to you, this is a great place to start!
Spiritual Foundations
Choosing to follow Jesus is the most important decision anyone can make. Learn more about what it means to follow Jesus and live for Him.
Identify with Jesus' death, burial and resurrection and publicly declare your faith in Christ by obeying Him through baptism.
Engage Calvary regularly partakes of communion corporately, remembering Christ’s death, burial and resurrection for the remission of our sins.
Spiritual Devotions
Engage Calvary believes that the Old Testament and New Testament Scriptures are divinely inspired and applicable to our daily lives.
Prayer is simply staying in communication with God—talking to Him, spending time in His presence, and drawing near to Him. Through prayer, we express adoration and thanks to God, we make requests known to Him, we intercede for others, and we learn more about His character and His will for our lives.
If we have trusted Christ for salvation and experienced His love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness, we will have a desire for our neighbors, coworkers, friends, and relatives to also hear the good news about Jesus.
Spiritual Growth
Life is better connected with others! When you join a small group, you will develop new relationships that will turn into lifelong friendships, learn how to implement God’s truths in your life, be able to ask questions, share personal prayer requests, and more.
Volunteers are a vital part of our Engage Calvary church community. God has given each of us unique gifts and abilities, and there are many different ways to serve. Experience the joy of serving in one of our many ministry opportunities.
Giving financially to the Lord is not something we are to view as a burdensome obligation. Scripture says it is to be viewed as a spiritual act of worship and that it is to be the joy and responsibility of every believer.

Spiritual Leadership
Christian leadership is simply another aspect of serving others, whereby a Christian serves by leading. Jesus said, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45). Some Christians are called to lead ministries or service teams within the local church body. Engage Calvary is a Calvary Chapel church that holds servant leadership in high regard.
Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 903 Harvey Rd B, College Station, Texas, 77840 at 10:30am.