Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Engage Calvary is committed to partnering with parents to help children learn and love God's Word and become disciples of Christ who follow Him throughout their lives. We provide a safe environment with screened volunteers who have a passion for investing in the next generation.
Nursery (Infants – Age 2)
Our Nursery classroom provides a safe, loving environment where babies and toddlers experience God's love through their caregivers and are introduced to the Bible through stories and songs.
Our Nursery classroom provides a safe, loving environment where babies and toddlers experience God's love through their caregivers and are introduced to the Bible through stories and songs.
Preschool/Kindergarten (Ages 3-6)
In our Preschool/Kinder classroom we use the Answers in Genesis curriculum to help bring the Bible to life. Lessons cover the entire Bible chronologically, providing a powerful overview of God’s Word. Our children have fun singing worship songs and learning memory verses together, hiding God’s Word in their heart.
In our Preschool/Kinder classroom we use the Answers in Genesis curriculum to help bring the Bible to life. Lessons cover the entire Bible chronologically, providing a powerful overview of God’s Word. Our children have fun singing worship songs and learning memory verses together, hiding God’s Word in their heart.
Elementary (Grades 1-4)
Our Elementary students worship for two songs in the main service, then head back to their classroom to dive deep into God’s Word using the Answers in Genesis curriculum. Through age-appropriate lessons and activities, teachers help students develop a Biblical worldview as they gain a thorough understanding of the teachings and relevance of Scripture.
Our Elementary students worship for two songs in the main service, then head back to their classroom to dive deep into God’s Word using the Answers in Genesis curriculum. Through age-appropriate lessons and activities, teachers help students develop a Biblical worldview as they gain a thorough understanding of the teachings and relevance of Scripture.
Intermediate/Middle School (Grades 5-8)
The middle schoolers of Engage Calvary learn to apply the truth of Scripture to their own lives, so after worshipping in the main service they engage with each other and the Word as their teacher facilitates meaningful conversations about the Bible.
The middle schoolers of Engage Calvary learn to apply the truth of Scripture to their own lives, so after worshipping in the main service they engage with each other and the Word as their teacher facilitates meaningful conversations about the Bible.
Contact Tammy Lang for more details at